Exceptional Benefits of Fresh Ginger and Turmeric Juice
From ancient times, in Ayurveda, Ginger and Turmeric are mentioned as Maha Aushadhi. Maha means superior and Aushadhi means medicine. Our ancestors understood the relation
Ayurvedic Herbs that Prevent and Treat Drug Resistant Bacteria
While the pharmaceutical industrial complex continues to dump waste materials into our water and foods that cause drug resistant diseases, we are fortunate to still
Vavding or Vidang Water
Try Vavding or Vidang Water which is simple formula for yourself, your baby or child and see the results. Nature’s Gift to mankind is Vavding
Nature’s Gift: Vavding or Vidang
Nature’s Gift to mankind is Vavding or Vidang (Embelia ribes)! It is one of the most powerful herb and satwic wormicidal in Ayurveda. As growing
The death of George Floyd has shown white individuals and non-black persons of color, the atrocities that the African American community faces on a daily
Onions: Poor Man’s Elixir
In old times, onions were called as the “Poor Man’s Elixir”. The white onion is used as a medicine in Ayurveda, as it has a