By Dr. Bharat Vaidya B.A.M.S., M.D.
Owner and Founder of Ayurved Sadhana
Two types of times play a very important role in creation and destruction in the world. Time is divided into two parts: Time of fate (Dev Kala) which is the past and Time of Karma (Kriya Kala) which is the present. Ayurveda is the only science that teaches us the connection between time and Veda.
Dev Kala:
The time of fate, which is done in the past and also known as Dev Kala, bears the fruit of Karma which is related to us and manifestation. Genetic and Autoimmune diseases can also be related to Dev Kala.
Dev Kala’s other name is ‘Krutant’. It just wears dresses like Kapalik (a big, powerful Tantric) and keeps on dancing in this world. Krutant Kala, or presence which is part of the frequency and sound ‘AUM,’ is holding up this universe and the flow of the Ganges (water) which are divided in all three Lokas (space, land, and underworld). These three Lokas are the threads of Krutant Kala or the present time. All galaxies are affected by it and all energetic waves in galaxies are affected by it. Space is its parameter, or in other words, the clothes it is wearing, and sound and frequency are the vehicle that it travels on. The galaxies of the moon and sun are the two bracelets on their hands.
Kriya Kala:
The time that makes you do Kriya or Karma for future fruit or results is known as Karma Kala. Seasonal diseases and chronic diseases can be related to Kriya Kala.
Without a self-moving presence, we don’t know anything about Kriya Kala. In the same way, heat melts a collection of ice, Kriya Kala melts all present moving and unmoving materials. This whole world that we see in front of our eyes is the result of this Kriya Kala. In this school of matrix (Maya), Kriya Kala keeps on dancing.
Ayurveda is the only science that teaches us how we can improve this parameter of time, space, and frequency (i.e. improve the present, repair the past, and help our future) by staying in the present and using Meditation, Yoga, and Mantra as a part of that holistic healing. By avoiding ‘Pragya Aparadh’ (mistake of intellect) and ‘Bhuta Bhishangatva’ (infection and infestation), we can repair the genetic code of our universe. We, humans, are the biggest and purest creation of that Al-mighty- we are angels on Mother Earth. It is in our hands to create or to destroy.
– Dr. Bharat Vaidya
Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti!!! Prayers for Mother Earth and Mother Nature!
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