Why Choose Us

“Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board.”

Enrichment: Offering our students a variety of research and development ideas.
We ensure that our graduates are on the cutting edge of the Ayurvedic profession.


Small class sizes provide individual attention and highest level of Authentic Ayurveda Education

In-Depth Knowledge Transfer

Our classes have constant discussion and engaging professors who make sure each student has the greatest understand of what they are learning.

Long Distance Learning

Weekday evenings and weekend classes that fit your hectic work schedule and lifestyle.

Dr. Bharat Vaidya

Dr. Bharat Vaidya

(B.A.M.S. , M.D.)

Dr. Vaidya is a skilled Advanced Ayurvedic Physician who received his Ayurvedic degree (B.A.M.S.) and advanced medical training in Mumbai. He obtained a medical degree (M.D.) from the prestigious Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, Europe. He has practiced medicine in India, Europe and in the U.S. He currently runs his practice in Superior, Colorado.

Renowned Ayurvedic Physician, Dr. Vaidya, offers students an advanced and in depth study of Ayurved. Ayurved Sadhana is approved by the Department of Higher Education, as a Professional Occupation  School in the State of Colorado. His passion for traditional Ayurvedic Medicine blends gracefully with his vast depth of knowledge which has been passed down from over seven generations, thus creates an engaging and unique class experience for all students.

​Dr. Vaidya Co-founded Ayurved Sadhana Vidyalaya which comes under the umbrella of Prabhuram Ayurvedic Vidyalaya  a Trust in Mumbai, India. His strong belief in Ayurveda along with his pure and passionate approach to teaching are present during each of his lectures. Dr. Vaidya exposes his genuine heart center that radiates his belief in healing comes first. Dr. Vaidya often allows his students to peruse his personal library of ancient texts.  In one of his many signature classes, Ashud Kriya, he encourages growth in new avenues for his students  to explore research and development of their own product lines.

Watch Dr. Bharat Vaidya's Fantastic TV Interview

Recent Blogs

Female Wellness Through the Eyes of Ayurveda: Understanding Menopause Through Ayurveda

Female Wellness Through the Eyes of Ayurveda: Understanding Menopause Through Ayurveda

“Menopause, or the cessation of menses (raja pravrutti), is known as raja nivrutti. It marks the end of the...

Female Wellness Through the Eyes of Ayurveda: Common Reproductive Disorders Among Women

Female Wellness Through the Eyes of Ayurveda: Common Reproductive Disorders Among Women

So far in this series of female wellness articles, we’ve covered the ayurvedic perspective on menarche and earlier menstrual...

Mental Work, Liberation, and Oxygenation

Mental Work, Liberation, and Oxygenation

Dr. Vaidya’s blog explores the critical role of oxygenation—‘Pran Vata,’ or the essential life force—in maintaining balance during mental...