Importance of Fasting In Fever and Inflammation
In fevers, and all inflammatory diseases, fasting, absolute diet or what traditional physicians used to call it as antiphlogistic regimen is a matter of first

Heat and Ether (Agni and Aakash)
Heat is a violent agitation of the infinitesimal particle or molecules of which matter is composed and ether is the vehicle by which it is

Ayurvedic Lifestyle – Why to Avoid Cold or Ice Water
Everyone knows how important it is to drink enough water throughout the day for good health. Water is an essential part for our kidneys health,

As per Vedas, the two fundamental forces which are in a perfect indestructible and inseparable union are Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is a masculine deity

Beat the Heat with Gopichandan
As the mercury in thermometers is rising high this season all around in America, we need to think about ways how we can keep our

Ayurvedic Wound Cleansing and Healing
From a small cut on the toddler’s finger to a large gash from a shark bite, wounds are something that occur to everyone, in many