Masooradi Mantha (Cold Infusion of Red Lentils)

Anupama's Kitchen

Masooradi Mantha (Cold Infusion of Red Lentils)

At Ayurved Sadhana we would like to educate our audience with some simple but effective Ayurvedic herbal formulas which you can use for your and your family’s benefits. Summertime is near and we are getting spring weather which is getting too hot. We would like to share a traditional Ayurvedic formula Masooradi Mantha (Cold Infusion of Red Lentils) which is used during hot summer weather in India.

Masoor means Split Red Lentils, while Mantha means Cold Infusion. Masooradi means Masoor (Red Lentils) and other ingredients added. We teach this Ayurvedic Herbal formula in Ayurved Sadhana’s Aushadh Kriya: Ayurvedic Herbal Preparations Class.

Masoor Dal is sweet, astringent, grahi (binding), laghu (light), and ruksha (dry). This red lentil improves skin complexion and strength. This lentil should be eaten in moderation as it may increase Vata. Masoor dal is administered in diarrhea, malnutrition, and wound healing.

Masooradi Mantha Toast at Ayurved Sadhana

Prep Time

5 Minutes

Soak Time

8 Hours

Mix Time

5 Minutes

Serving Size

Serves 2-3

Masoor means Split Red Lentils, while Mantha means Cold Infusion. Masooradi means Masoor (Red Lentils) and other ingredients added. We teach this Ayurvedic Herbal formula in Ayurved Sadhana’s Aushadh Kriya: Ayurvedic Herbal Preparations Class.

Masoor Dal is sweet, astringent, grahi (binding), laghu (light), and ruksha (dry). This red lentil improves skin complexion and strength. This lentil should be eaten in moderation as it may increase Vata. Masoor dal is administered in diarrhea, malnutrition, and wound healing.

Pomegranate fruit is known for its cooling, sweet, and refreshing taste. It relieves burning sensations, morbid thirst, and bad odor from the stomach, throat and mouth. The skin of the pomegranate when dried is an ingredient of choice in killing parasites. Pomegranate juice is administered in dehydration and replenishes the electrolytes. Also known as Dadim in Sanskrit, it possesses hemoglobin improving properties, and is useful in the management of Pandu (Anemia).

Dr. Bharat Vaidya recommends Masooradi Mantha to relieve Tridoshic Vomiting arising from aggravation of all the three doshas. It also can be used to recover from a hangover. This cold fusion can be used as an electrolyte during diarrhea and vomiting. It also can be used after Chemotherapy to reduce the nauseated feeling. Masooradi Mantha helps in vitiation of blood, burning sensations, thirst, and it clears cell pores/channels (Srotas) of the body. You can drink this cold infusion during or after workout, running, jogging or hiking to replenish your body with wonders in Mantha.

Masooradi Mantha in steel bowls


Masoor Mantha Cold Infusion



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