Mantra Science

Mantra Science is a hands-on experience, where we will engage in the deep study of key mantras from Vedic texts, as well as comprehending them per our Shastras for the healing and balancing of universal energies. The fundamental principle behind Mantra science is that this entire durable and material universe which we see around us is made up of various energies and vibrations functioning at different levels. Vibration fabricates at the basis of form using word structure in its vast sense. The use of mantra appeases and transcends these boundless frequencies.

The visible universe is full of an infinite number and variety of forms which aid in cognition of our sense organs, physical or beyond physical. Thus, by taking the help of wise universal energies through ‘Mantra Science’ a valuable form of disease treatment is created. In this class, we will learn various Mantras to cure and create positive energies around us and within the patient’s that we treat.

Dates: Schedule Posted Here!

Instructor: Dr. Bharat Vaidya

Price: $750

Class format:  In-person in Superior, Colorado near Boulder

Credits: 3 Credits

Text Book(s)/Notes: Students will receive PowerPoint notes prior to class



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