By Dr. Bharat Vaidya B.A.M.S., M.D.
Owner and Founder of Ayurved Sadhana
Let's try to understand, the idealist but simple life with the help and support of Ayurveda which is the science of life.
“Do not be afraid of being called a soarer, better soar through clouds than walk through mire, there is less friction with Earth’s pebbles. Better to lift all life to the hill crest than drag all thought to the valley.”
– Susanna Cocroft
We live in the ‘TO BE.’ We build a castle in the air and our real life is spent in that castle. Happy are those whose castles have a firm foundation upon Earth (Prithvi). One needs contact with Earth and Earthen for warmth and sympathy and one needs life in upper air (Vata) and Ether (Aakash)) for uplift and inspiration. In fact, our bodies are in the air, which is moving this body with the fuel of fire (Pitta- our digestive power in Ayurveda). The water element (Kapha) nourishes that fire, air, and ether. This is why five elemental principles of Ayurveda and Veda are so important for maintaining healthy physiology and psychology of the human body. These principles of Ayurveda are the governing engine of our universe and based on the truth about elements and quantum which were understood by our ancestors thousands of years ago.
It is not necessary to grow mystical in the idealization of life. A true, simple life with healthy eating and living habits maintains those principles of five elements and Ayurveda on its own. The simple life merely means to lift the every-day common things out of the mire, into upper air (Vata) with that holy fire (Pitta) to reach to that prime atom in Ether (Aakash) where they get the highlights and where their true relation with self and true beauty are seen. For example, the reputation of a novelist, who depends upon his/her talent in depicting unusual incidents and dramatic combinations, is as short-lived as the incidents of which he/she writes. In contrast, authors like Charles Dickens or Sharadchandra Chattopadhyay, who depict the rough-hewn strength and beauty of everyday experiences will live as long as civilizations.
To take occasional flights and soar to the realm of the abstract:
- is to become cognizant of the general principle that governs of our body by those five elements and the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha)
- requires having a broader and wider vision to see the incidents of life in right relation to each other
- is to look upon all life from the a vantage point above it
- awakens sympathies, happiness, peace of mind while all selfishness is seen as small.
May we set our feet firmly upon Earth, stand in the open with our Creator (Shiva and Shakti, Mother Nature, and Mother Universe) and firmly resolve that we will keep or regain the integrity, the wholeness and wholesomeness of the body, mind and spirit, entrusted to us rather than find ourselves alone or helpless. The Creator who made us and who established the fixed laws of Mother Nature that govern all growth and our will, will, through the spiritual laws, help us put our body in harmony with the laws of health and that is core to the science of Ayurveda.
By Dr. Vaidya, Ayurved Sadhana
Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti!!! Prayers for Mother Earth and Mother Nature!
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