As we embrace springtime and witness the arrival of honeybees, we thought this would be a fitting blog regarding holistic immunity. Honey has an excellent capacity to heal and increase our immune system; it is considered as an elixir in Ayurveda and by our ancestors.

Dr. Bharat Vaidya B.A.M.S., M.D.

Owner and Founder of Ayurved Sadhana

The Red Sea ends in two gulfs, the Gulf of Suez on the western Egyptian side, and the Gulf of Akaba on the eastern Arabian side, with the desert peninsula of Arabia, and the southernly situated Aden/Yemen.
Yemen prospered with two dynasties. The first was with King Solomon, who sought new developments for Eastern trade at the southern extremity of the route and another was under Queen Victoria and Sir. T. E. Lawrence. However, Yemen has suffered through many injustices during the reign of the Ottoman empire and currently. Aden was a prosperous port and brought businessmen and individuals seeking jobs. Aden contained many natural resources such as food and medicine (not black gold or petroleum for sure).
What was so famous before the black gold craze in Aden/Yemen was its honey (Aden-Nu-Madh). Aden’s honey was precious, highly rejuvenate, and effective. It was part of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of Prabhuram Ayurvedic College in the late 19th and early 20th century. Aden honey was of the highest quality, and again contained many healing properties. The honey was exported from Aden to other major ports, such as those of India. like Bombay, Karachi, Calcutta and others.
Five kinds of honey from different places were described in the Prabhuram Ayurvedic College; one type of honey was ‘Gavthi Honey’, meaning locally prepared honey for use and making of  medicine, however Aden honey always topped the list.
Traditional Vaidyas and Hakims made their tablets with Aden honey. They believed that the honeybees received magical energies from the Peninsula of Sinai, Arabia, and the Gulf of Suez. The honey also contained energy from the plants that grow in that region, such as Comiphora S, Boswellia A., Punica P., Aloe, Begonia S., etc. Without honeybees, humanity couldn’t have survived.
Are the atrocities going on in Yemen even justified? War not only destroys human life but nature as well.
Mother nature is speaking its own voice of sadness and suffering, but we do not have ears to hear it. I do not understand how such important information disappeared or was left out from present day Ayurveda?
Here are some uses of Aden Honey:
    • Aden honey was an excellent cleansing agent and pectoral medicine, it relieved disorders in the chest and respiratory system. Traditional Vaidyas employed it for cases including coughing, sore throat, and breathlessness.
    • Aden honey was also a great emollient medicine to soothe, soften, and increase moisture levels, especially in the skin. 
    • It was capable of soothing or protecting an abraded mucous membrane and was able to repair it.
    • Yemen honey was a remarkable laxative and capable to penetrate tissues.
    • It was applied to the throat in thrush and pseudo-membranous deposit.
    • Vaidyas and Hakims used it as a constant vehicle for powders and other nauseating medicines.
    • Aden honey was powerful antiseptic agent and hence used after surgeries.
Truth always surfaces.
    • एतां दृष्टिमवष्टभ्य नष्टात्मानोऽल्पबुद्धय: |
    • प्रभवन्त्युग्रकर्माण: क्षयाय जगतोऽहिता: || (Bhagvad Gita16.9)
They hold their false pride, their misguided soul, with their cruel action and trivial intellect they become enemy of the world and threaten its destruction by their own action. So much knowledge was destroyed and now lies are promoted, but time is changing, and the youth need peace, integrity and oneness! Namaste.
  • Bhagvad Gita
  • Prabhuram Ayurvedic Vidyalaya, Bombay, India -old archives
  • Life and work of Sir. T.E. Lawrence
  • King Solomon’s Commercial Policy
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